27 November 2012

Hetzelfdoen #1

Le dessert, qui a reçu le plus de compliments, serait mon "invité special" pour ce premier Hetzelfdoen post. Il s'agit de MALABI. Un dessert très répandu en Israel, Palestine et, très probabelement, aux pays d'alentours. Mais, étant israelien, je n'ai malheureusement jamais eu l'ocassion de le vérifier.

Version "essai" à la maison (click for a larger image)
Version definitive à la soirée (click for a larger image)
La recette est super simple (mais ça serait en English car la terminologie de la cuisine en FR ne m'est pas familière):

[For six persons]
4 glasses of milk
80 gr of cornflour (Maizena)
1 glass of sour cream
50 gr Sugar (This is what i used but level of sweetness is up to you)
A bit of orange blossom water (Fleurs d'oranger)

First, melt the cornflouer in a glass of the milk. Stir well till the mix is smooth and unified.
Pour the rest of the milk, the cream, the sugar and the orange blossom water in a small pot and heat it till it starts boiling. Than slowly add the melted cornflour while constantly stirring. Continue cooking on low fire another 3-4 minutes till it becomes creamy. If the Malabi in the pot gets too sticky, dilute it by adding heated milk. Then pour the Malabi to glasses or small bowls and leave it in the fridge to cool and stiffen.

Now this is where imagination comes in handy. For the evening we chose to serve it with dates rub, grenade seeds and... a confitured fig and spread some NANA (mint) on top.
Confitured figs in mint and lemon water (mmmmmmmmm)

 Write me a comment if you want to know how to prepare this régal.

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