20 December 2012

Hetzelfdoen #2

La reine !
I was asked several times during the evening about the green Tahiné and I promised to reveal the source of this delicious taste. So here we go. First, and most important, is to find a good Tahiné. Now what is a good Tahiné for me? a one that comes from either Syria, Lebanon or Palestine. I have met a lot of Tahiné types in my life and I can assure you that you won't find a good one in delhaize nor at Colruyt. Par contre, à Saint Josse they're all around. My favorite shop is called Naia and is located at Chaussée de louvain 168 (map and photos below). Its owners are two brothers from Qamishli, north of Syria. Besides the fact that I love to chat with them in Arabic, it amazes me that at home they speak Armean.
In case you haven't visited this corner yet, here is some more detailed info:

Ne vous inquiéter pas, c'est moins bordélique à l'intérieur

BAQDUNSIYA (le nom de la tahiné verte en arabe) signifie - "Persilaille" pour le simple raison que la seule différence à une Tahiné normale est qu'on met plein (mais PLEIN) de persil dedans. Très facile est rapide à préparer et quel goût, purée...


1 verre de Tahiné
1/2 botte de persil
1 bulbille d'ail
1/2 citron pressé (la lime c'est encore mieux)
de l'eau (vous déterminer la texture)
sel (à vous de jouer)

There is one important pre condition - you have to have either a food processor or a hand blender.
If you do, blend the Tahiné, the lime, the garlic and the parsley. Then slowly add the water till desired texture and add salt. Voilà, c'est prêt.

Another great thing made out of sesame paste:

Aren't they sweet?

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